Lakeshore Owners
Living on a lake provides a unique opportunity — and responsibility — to steward riparian areas.
Some Beneficial Management Practices for Lakeshore Owners include:

Understand that riparian areas include both land and shallow water areas (where cattails and bulrushes grow)

Avoid disturbing the soil or building structures in riparian areas

Eliminate the use of lawn herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers to reduce water pollution and algal blooms

Maintain a properly functioning septic system (have it routinely inspected and emptied)

Slow and filter runoff from your property by using “low impact development” techniques such as rain barrels, rain gardens, and permeable pavement

Maintain a natural shoreline – and replace turf lawns -- with deep-rooted native plants to reduce erosion, help filter water runoff, and support biodiversity

Allow aquatic and semi-aquatic plants to grow (e.g. cattails and bulrushes). These provide natural shoreline armoring, protect from wave and ice damage, and provide important fish and bird habitat

Share docks, piers and boat lanes within your community to minimize shoreline disturbance